Monday, January 14, 2013

8. How to easily rename your package file in Android

                  So if you have forgotten to rename your application package name during the project creation. As default Android give the name as "com.example", which is not accepted, if you publish it in Google Play. So you have to change your package name. It is very easy to do that.
Just right clcik on the project folder eg.sample, and and select "Android Tools" from the popup menu, now select  "rename application package" as shown in the picture below.

Now a child window named "Rename application package" is opened. click on the old package name to rename and type a new name. eg: replace "example" with new name "arise" as shown in the picture below.

Now another window named "Refactoring" is appeared. Don't change anything, Just click shown below.

Now a message window named "Launch configuration update" is shown. Just click "YES" as shown below.

Now you have successfully renamed your package. open the "gen" and "android manifest" to see the changed name. (TIP) The package name in "src" will not be renamed. Its not a problem. (See the image below)

1 comment:

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